I love that I most recently found it on a Jewish parenting blog. Even more awkward! What is going on?
So, I am at my sweetheart's place and he had to go to work. His cleaning lady is here. Frankly, I may have preferred that she come next week. Or maybe I could have just left for a while. I am feeling a snare awkies. To be honest, I feel like she might be ripping him off.
From what I have noticed in the past, she basically just does the floors and wipes down surfaces in the kitchen. The stairs look like they have never been swept, nor the bedroom furniture dusted. I know that one time, I arrived when she was cleaning and we left. When we returned there was dust on the shelves that the glasses and dishes are stored on. Considering that there is no other furniture besides the TV stand and couch, I think that it is not too much to expect the "bookcase" that holds the glassware to be dusted.
Window sills - dusty. Floorboards - dusty. I seriously do not get it. Granted, the place is always pretty clean - but we also pick up after ourselves. It's not like anything is really dirty anyway.
I mean, I can come here every two weeks and sweeps the floors for crying out loud.
Oh man, have I got some PMS for you.
I know that my place gets really dusty very quickly. Like the same day that I clean. I also live in a 100 year old building, in a major city, on a really busy street.
I am trying to give her the benefit of the doubt. Maybe things just get dusty by my next visit. Somehow I doubt it.
Do not think for a minute that I am not doing a white glove inspection when she leaves. Yeah, I'm an asshole like that.
I will not have someone take advantage of my boyfriend. Not when I know that he pays her what a hotel housekeeper would make in 4 hours. And those guestrooms are pretty clean. I say this from my experience in the industry and can only speak as to the cleanliness of hotels I've worked at.
In 4 hours this place would be spotless. He is not cluttery at all. It's easy to clean. In fact the only things that are out are mine.
I had one of the housekeepers come help me once. I gave her $60 and she protested that it was too much, when she had worked her ass off for like 3 hours and my place had been a pit. It was spotless. She moved the furniture, dusted everything. I did do my bedroom myself and dusted the living room, but she did mostly everything. And honestly - it was a fucking sty. I had been working non-stop for weeks and was a basket case. I organized crap while she cleaned. Seriously, she washed everything, like even the bar glasses that I keep on the counter. That stuff gets dirty if you do not periodically clean them.
Hence my concern for my honey's place. I mean, that kind of thing piles up, and soon all your surfaces can be icky.
I am guessing that she will do a better job today though.
Though I cannot figure out why the laundry is running. I was tossing my dirties directly into the machine all week. I was going to add more to it to do a load. There are like two shirts and 5 pair of nundies in there - why the hell would you run that? Not necessary.
Ugh, I am cranky. And poor Mac - I am always complaining about the dust. Honestly, his place is cleaner that mine usually is. I just feel like she is being paid more that what she is doing. Maybe that is just my expectations though. And really, I am glad that the bathroom fixtures and such get cleaned. It's just those little things that end up piling up and then become a huge chore...that yours truly does not want to have to end up eventually doing.
I also don't know how people look normal when they clean. I am a grubby, nasty looking beast of a woman when I do chores. No question about it. I am wearing crap and feeling like it too.
I call shenanigans on this. This here is the myth:
This right here is the reality of the situation:
And she doesn't even look that bad. Whatever. Marketing nonsense.
Hmmm...maybe I should dress cuter when I clean. I think then I would not want to get down to the nitty gritty though. My problem is that I do not really maintain well. I let things go a bit and then have to work really hard to clean it all. At least I used to be like that. I have gotten much better over the last year or so. But I still look like crap when I am doing it.
Hey, I can't always look glorious.