"Ugly babies is hard to find...but they out there"
~Adele Givens
If you do not know who Adele Givens is, do yourself and everyone you love a favor and look the woman up and watch some of her stand up. You're welcome.
Okay, here's some for you:
This morning I had to deal with a sight that simply should not be. Lord have mercy. On my way to an interview (which went well, by the by), I am sitting on the bus. After a few stops a lady & stroller hop on board. They are both facing me.
Seriously, I wanted to drop kick this kid. He not only had a snotty face, he was a freaking whiner. I am talking Doug & Wendy here. I mean this kid was just malcontent with his existence. Period. Miserable brat. It was difficult to watch. I am certain that my face was contorted in disdain. I tried not to, but the face has a will of it's own sometimes.
I know I complain a bunch, but I am not unhappy with my life. When people simply loathe to breathe, I cannot deal. And I do not mean people with genuine mental disorders that cause depression or despair, that is a serious condition. I mean otherwise healthy people just being discontent for no reason.
I am allowed to bitch about crap because I am fabulous.
So fabulous, in fact, that a begging vagabond fell completely in love with me today. He was killing me. First he called to me from across the street and then called me his wife. He comes and sits by me at the bus stop and was all "you put a spell on me. What did you get for dinner? I will go get something and you can cook it for me."
I was all "I'm taken"
"I don't mean no disrespect (which they always love to say that shit - and by they I mean men that do this crap in general). But ain't nobody gonna tell me how I can feel about you." He says something about dinner.
I tell him I cannot cook and he looks at me and is like "Quit lying. I know you can put your foot down in the kitchen." Ummmm...thanks for calling me a fat ass.
More babble. I mostly gave one word answers, but was nice enough. Apparently, I made his day because I was kind.
He closes with "You are peach cobbler with pecans on top" Awesome.
Ah, life in the Windy City.
p.s. I noticed that I lost some comments the other day before I was able to respond. Please know I did not delete them.
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