Yeah, I admit that I enjoy a bit of the tabloids now and then. It's a guilty pleasure. Mostly because of the show TMZ. I know it started as a website, but I did not really read it. Once I caught the show, I was hooked. I love seeing the people who work there interact. It's funny and usually way more entertaining than the actual celebrity gossip. Check your local listings.
That said, I get it that I hear about reality tv "stars" or "opportunists" or "annoying fuckers famous for nothing". You're gonna get some of that in the crossfire.
But why the hell do I need to hear about the Kardashians or the Jersey Shore nimrods on the news or in any polite society for that matter.
One episode of TMZ featured a camera man following Kim from behind to the gym. She stops, turns around and tells the man that he is disrespectful.
Let's not forget that the Kardashians became famous because of a sex tape...that Kim's mother "leaked". One that feature her ass apparently, as do most pictures of her.
What a trifling gold digging beast of a mother. Granted, they've made a crapload of money. Maybe it was worth them. I do not need to see their smug faces everywhere though.
And why or why or why does Snooki need to be in the Three Stooges Movie. What is a Snooki? Why do I know what she looks like? I mean, Abercrombie paid the Shore people not to wear their clothes. That's how disgusting these people are.
Why am I so jealous that they are famous for nothing?
Because I know several talented people who have amazing gifts. People that should be on screen, that should have records, that should be making a living off of their ART. Instead, we have to watch a bunch of fucking clowns make millions for being like idiots.
Why I got myself in a tizzy this late, I do not know. I need some chamomile or some shit.
By the way here's a way to lend support, if you so choose, to voice on the ridiculousness of some of these folks on Facebook. Boycott the K
Speaking of, feel free to friend me on Facebook. I do not have any friends yet, it's a new page.
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