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Friday, July 1, 2011

Is This Really Necessary?

The world knows that I am super judgmental.  I am, I admit to it.  I am hyper critical about myself.  This leads to a crap load of staunch opinions.

A girlfriend's brother is having a baby.  Well, his wife is.  They decided they were going to take "Pregnancy Pictures"
What the fuck is this nonsense?  It's like that weirdo pic I posted in this post.  What is this new craze?  Why when you never took photos of your belly before do you think it's time to glamour shot it up?

I don't get it.  Really, I do not.

I am not saying that pregnant women should not have pictures of themselves preggo.  I just think it's totally weird to take specific pregnancy pictures.

Do we blame Demi Moore?  I mean, come on.

Am I am asshole?  I honestly find these types of pics awkward.  I mean, I don't see random ladies taking pictures of themselves in bikinis and posting them.  I mean professional pictures.  Other than models, actors, or sex trade workers - who does that?

Yet, you have a baby in there and you suddenly want to get half naked on film. 

Though I admit that I judged their pictures less harshly because I knew them,  I still told my girlfriend (I can use that without people assuming that I'm a lezbot, right?) that I found it ridiculous.

She agreed.  She had been having such major mixed feelings about it.  She loves them (the couple) but thinks those are weird to take.  

Why not also take pictures when you are svelt?  Is your body only worthy of being immortalized when you are having a baby?  Is it suddenly then you feel worthy?  I mean, if you feel comfortable doing that when you are pregs - why not when you are not?

They only reason I do not have photos like that is because I am not keen of how my body looks in a bikini.  I accept my body.  Just saying - the general public does not need to see my fat ass in a bikini or corset or something.

I can stand by it if it's art, but these women are getting sucked into a trend that, quite frankly, looks pretty tacky.  They try to class it up, but not enough.  It's pretty much just tackorific.

AND another thing.  Why is the woman always half naks and the man fully clothed,  It's like they are not even in the same picture.

Case in point:

So she's there in all her lingeried glory while he is wearing a hat.  It's dumb.  Any child would be embarrassed of this shit when they are old enough to look at it.  Who the hell wants to see their mom dressed like this?  And the forced tenderness? Lame.  "Hold your/her belly, close your eyes, and think about unicorns.  Perfect.  That's the shot."

To all the pregnant bitches out there - huge bless.  Hope all your babies pop out healthy.


  1. These pregnancy glamour shots seem to be a popular "life event" with commercial photographers. According to my new sister inlaw, her wedding photographer offered her a special deal to shoot her pregnancy. Wasn't the deal when I was pregnant. My husband had to take belly shots when I was sleeping (for fear I'd kill him).

    I do have awesome videos of my tots doing their best Alien impression in utero. To me, that was worth it :)

  2. See - in utero, I get. Husband taking pics of you - I get. Glamour shots - no. Too fake. I bet they make a mint off of them, though.

    I think I do not like them because it make the woman look so vulnerable. They are always all delicate and fragile looking. They are never dressed how they would be normally, while the husband is. I am disturbed by it.

    If I did them - I'd dress up like a warrior or something. Time to be strong, you know? Plus, I mean...shooting at the walls of heartache, bang bang, I am the warrior. Patti Smythe told me so.

  3. Oh, yeah. Can't wait until you have kids. Just for the warrior get-up :)

  4. Haha...not happening. I've decided no babies. But I promise to take warrior pictures at some point anyway.

  5. Every time my sister talks to us on Skype, she HAS to show us her belly. :-O My typical response, "good thing you are pregnant or I'd be telling you to call Weight Watchers".

    Yes, you can slap me now! :-)

  6. I don't particularly like them either, but not as much as I dislike the pregos at the beach in bikinis, herding their other young who are forever touching the belly. It's almost obscene.

    Seems we are in agreement again!

  7. Mr. Mike - you tease your sister so bad! SHE'S the one that should smack you. :)

    Alicia - I do think it's obnoxious when people think that they can touch a preggo's stomach. Boundaries people!
