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Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Some Like It Hot

In the last two days I have proven my tenacity, toughness, and perhaps stupidity.  Well not stupid - just very stubborn.

I have always said that people that can handle living in Chicago can handle any environment. 
We have some crazy ass weather here.  Today for example, 92 degrees - feels like 102 degrees.

Oh you didn't know that in Chicago, we get TWO temperatures?  Oh, we do, as in the thermostat will read 80 and it will be so damn humid out that it actually feels like 88.    Or in winter, we have a wind chill factor.  So like it may be 18, but will feel like -1.  Yeah, negative.  And negative 1 is not as brutal as it gets.  I am not complaining.  I am just telling it like it is.

We are in a heat wave right now and, son of a bitch - my central air went out on Sunday night.  I was talking to the fiance and was like "I am hot as hell and the air has been running non-stop.  Shit!  It's 80 degrees in here!"

Today it hit 88...in my apartment.  Right now it's a breezy 87.  I am not shitting you.  It was so hot that a spider was hanging out in my toilet.  I have seen spiders maybe twice in the last 7 years.  That bitch was hot.  I flushed him so I could take a dump.

I have stayed in this whole time.  Why?  Because I could not stand the thought of leaving my cat.  I was so worried that he may get heat stroke or something and I would not be here to take care of him. He actually seems fine, but I would not have been able to relax.  I would have been stressing out about him.

Anyway, my point is, I am surviving.  It's amazing that I could feel it drop down to 87 after it had been running for a bit,  I was like - huh, it's cooler in here.  I have been cranky as hell, but you know, toughing it out.

Just another sign that it is time to move.

When Mac first mentioned how hot it gets in summer out there I was like - eeek.  But it's dry.  You can walk out without sweating immediately.  It makes a huge difference.  So, dry 100 degrees in summer and a balmy 25 degrees in winter?  Yeah...cake walk.

Have you all seen "Some Like It Hot?  One of the best movies ever with one of - if not the best last line.  I am not kidding.  I try to post a scene, but blogger is not having it today.  All I can say is do yourself a favor and rent that mother.


  1. I'm crossing my fingers that the A/C fix works, baby.

    It's 95 here right now. I just got back from running a few errands, and I must say that anything below the century mark is not worth mentioning. It's totally bearable out there. This summer has actually been kind of mild.

    I've never seen "Some Like it Hot", but I'm putting it on the video server for when you're here.

  2. It's a favorite. We will totally watch it!

  3. I love "Some like it hot"!

    Let me tell you, when I moved here people kept telling me how NYC was like San Diego.

    Um, not on your life, folks. San Diego has one season: Perfect.

    NYC has a bunch including: Rat running weather; sewer smelling weather and super humid. :)

    Oh, and frozen!

  4. NYC is NOTHING like San Diego. What insane person told you that. Yeah, and Chicago is just like Miami.

    Girl, I hear you. It was brutal here last week.

  5. I take dumps on spiders in any weather.
