About Me

- Artemis J
- I am brutally honest, super opinionated, and swear like a sailor. You have been warned. You'll either love me or hate me. I'm cool either way. All posts and personal photographs herein are © Copyright 2011 ArtemisJ. All rights reserved.
Friday, April 15, 2011
They Try to Copy My Swagger
Look at Tina Fey's kid. That is one confident little girl. And possibly the coolest kid ever. Though Kinston is pretty awesome. Gavin Rosdale & Gwen Stephani's boy.
I am a super crabby apple cake. Lord have mercy. PMS is crushing my soul. Though really, it's not. I find that it's just that I am more sensitive, so things that always bother me are not being swept under the rug. I tend to want to me more confrontational. I mean, people get on my nerves...often.
Part of it is that I analyze everything. I am talking everything. So when someone interrupts when I am speaking, that equals "I do not care what you have to say, I am more important than you"
You can say that they are not thinking that, but really....deep down they are. And it's fucking annoying. One of my girlfriends does it to me all the time. Like I start a sentence and she completely takes over. Honestly, all I can do is trow my hands in the air in exasperation. I actually did that while I was walking down the street talking to my sweety (sorry honey). I was like "oh my god, let me finish my thought". I actually just stopped in the middle of the sidewalk.
Why do people do this? And why the fuck do they do it to me? I must be too polite about it. It kind of makes me want to cry because it frustrates me so damn much. I apparently need to be more vocal about it. It's an issue. I am quite aware of it.
I want to get a word in. Why do I have to be silent? If you don't want to listen, let's not talk - how about that?
Last night I was talking to my man and my bestie interrupted. I told him I was on the phone (on FB - he sent a message that he was going to call me). He decided to call anyway and proceeds to speak loudly on the machine (yes, I have a land line also) and though he was being funny I thought maybe something was up. So I answer it and he starts talking about nothing important and doesn't shut up. I was like "I am on the phone - what's up?"
After a few minutes, an exasperated Mac is like - "Call me back." I do not blame him for being annoyed. He should have been the priority. And he was in my heart. My friend was just being obnoxious. It was annoying. I was so frazzled.
So I am on the phone with my friend for a bit and the whole time I am completely irritated, concerned that Mac is upset, and annoyed because I have never interrupted my friend when he was talking to his boyfriend. I don't call him when he is about to have dinner with him and then say - "you see him all the time; talk to me." Frankly, he just would not have answered the phone, which is what I should have done. I noticed this pattern with us in the last year. I am always available, he is only available when it's convenient. It's bullshit.
Yet he did run out and get me meds when my ulcer freaked out on me last week. Friendships have their struggles. I am sure he is dealing with the fact that I am moving. We've actually had nothing but time to spend together while I have been out of work. I think he is realizing that he should have taken advantage of our schedules. He works odd shifts, so it's pretty easy for us to get together.
Did I quote the Black Eyed Peas as my title? Forgive me. But I had to. Look at the mini-Fey. She has so much swagger!
Tonight is a fun filled evening with my girl and My Life With the Thrill Kill Cult and Front 242. Bring on the industrial.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
I Am Gonna Blow It Up With My Spicyness
Something California does not have is giardiniera. It's apparently a Chicago thing and frankly, something I cannot live without. If it is not a common thing in your region, do not be fooled by the vinegar soaked spicy pickled salad they pass off as giardiniera. Not that that stuff is bad. It's a good relish; it's just not the same thing.
Every time we go shopping out there, I look for it. They simply do not have it. It is a sin. A sin, I tell you. I decided to take some with me, like a pack mule. But I made a huge mistake.
I usually check my bag. Just because I am paranoid and also because I throw things in my suitcase at the last minute. I do not want to worry about it. I also am all of 5'1", which makes the task of using the overhead bin a challenge. I know I can ask for help, but I just do not want to deal. Check it and forget about it.
I was taking a bunch of toiletries to leave out there, so I would just have everything I need out there. No need to carry all that stuff every single time, you know? I know I need perfume, makeup and deodorant, conditioner - just leave it there.
My bag was a tad heavy. It was 52 lbs. The person at check-in asks if I can take something out. In my haste, I think "the giardenera is exactly 2 lbs." She tells me that food items are fine. So I take it out.
As I am in the security line, I think that maybe that was a bad call. It is after all packed in oil. And I clearly am going to endanger everyone on the plane with my chopped celery, carrots, peppers, and cauliflower. Especially since I honestly can barely keep my eyes open when flying. I sleep like a baby Stella.
Those TSA mother fuckers snagged my food. For real. They took it. And I do not mean the confiscated it and tossed it. They TOOK it. I was like "ok, I'll throw it out" and they said that they had to scan again. They went through my bag, removed it. Told me they had to rescan all of it, but did not rescan the jars. They sat neatly on the top of the machine. Wrapped in the towel and Ziploc bag.
Tell me that the agents did not have some yummy sandwiches that night. I swear.
Am I really a threat? Good lord.
Then some jamoke says to me " you know you can mail that stuff right?"
I was all "really? you can mail things?" What a chump! Yeah, I wanted to surprise my boyfriend since they don't have it out there, you dumb moose knuckle.
Though I have yet to be groped in security. So hooray for that. I was super paranoid about that happening.
Here's some straight edge punk rock for you.
Every time we go shopping out there, I look for it. They simply do not have it. It is a sin. A sin, I tell you. I decided to take some with me, like a pack mule. But I made a huge mistake.
I usually check my bag. Just because I am paranoid and also because I throw things in my suitcase at the last minute. I do not want to worry about it. I also am all of 5'1", which makes the task of using the overhead bin a challenge. I know I can ask for help, but I just do not want to deal. Check it and forget about it.
I was taking a bunch of toiletries to leave out there, so I would just have everything I need out there. No need to carry all that stuff every single time, you know? I know I need perfume, makeup and deodorant, conditioner - just leave it there.
My bag was a tad heavy. It was 52 lbs. The person at check-in asks if I can take something out. In my haste, I think "the giardenera is exactly 2 lbs." She tells me that food items are fine. So I take it out.
As I am in the security line, I think that maybe that was a bad call. It is after all packed in oil. And I clearly am going to endanger everyone on the plane with my chopped celery, carrots, peppers, and cauliflower. Especially since I honestly can barely keep my eyes open when flying. I sleep like a baby Stella.
Those TSA mother fuckers snagged my food. For real. They took it. And I do not mean the confiscated it and tossed it. They TOOK it. I was like "ok, I'll throw it out" and they said that they had to scan again. They went through my bag, removed it. Told me they had to rescan all of it, but did not rescan the jars. They sat neatly on the top of the machine. Wrapped in the towel and Ziploc bag.
Tell me that the agents did not have some yummy sandwiches that night. I swear.
Am I really a threat? Good lord.
Then some jamoke says to me " you know you can mail that stuff right?"
I was all "really? you can mail things?" What a chump! Yeah, I wanted to surprise my boyfriend since they don't have it out there, you dumb moose knuckle.
Though I have yet to be groped in security. So hooray for that. I was super paranoid about that happening.
Here's some straight edge punk rock for you.
Monday, April 11, 2011
Roll With the Punches
What happens when you meet the person of you dreams and they live over 1,000 miles away?
Speaking for myself - you freak out a little.
I have no doubts about my man. It's not even an issue. But my world is about to be turned upside down and I am wigging out.
There are so many things I like about moving to CA. Nice weather and being with him. I am going to go back to school out there. It's really going to be a great new chapter in my life. And, oh my God, fresh fruits and veggies. I am spazzing about that.
There are good things, great things for sure. I am just a person that is slow to change. I usually do need something crazy to happen in order to get me out of my doldrums and vague contentedness.
I am in a panic, I admit, about finances. My money runs out in June, my lease is up in September. We are talking about living together as soon as we can. Though that prospect makes me happy, there is still the feeling of - "oh my god, I have to wrap everything up here, I have to say goodbye to people" It's totally freaking me out.
I am a creature of habit. I am concerned about things like finding a new doctor that I like. Totally random, I know; but I love my doctor. I have been her patient since I was 23. She knows everything about me. I hate the idea of finding a new one.
It's those little things that I am freaking out about. I mean, I've lived in the same apartment for 7 years, with the same landlord for 13. BubblesDeux wants to move out here, maybe she'll sublease my place if I need to move before September.
He's a relationship person, I am a total single girl. It's not a monogamy issue, because I am super down with that. In fact, it's a requirement. I just mean that I am not used to someone being up my butt. I go for days without speaking to people. Like I do not talk to my girlfriends everyday
It's just all happening so fast is all. To be honest, I knew that I was going to find my partner last year. I called it from January 1 of 2010. I told my bestie that 2010 would be a year of completion and I just knew.
After I met him (we spent NYE 2011 weekend together) and talked to her, she was like "in typical fashion - you wait until the last minute"
I run late for everything. Did you all forget?
Will that drive him crazy? Probably. But I warned him from day one. I am just one of those people.
I am going to go for a walk, pick out some plants (like from the store, not from a neighbor's yard can you imagine?), and fill up my flower pots. It was 82 in Chicago yesterday. 82! It's early for that here. I think we have snow or some shit next week. Mother Nature...you silly goose.
Have a glorious day, kittens!
Here's some Sloan for you. The song starts about 2:45 in if you want to fast forward. It's a long video for some reason.
And a live version. I love these guys, even though their last album sucked donkey balls. Their old stuff is magic. Magic, I tell you.
Speaking for myself - you freak out a little.
I have no doubts about my man. It's not even an issue. But my world is about to be turned upside down and I am wigging out.
There are so many things I like about moving to CA. Nice weather and being with him. I am going to go back to school out there. It's really going to be a great new chapter in my life. And, oh my God, fresh fruits and veggies. I am spazzing about that.
There are good things, great things for sure. I am just a person that is slow to change. I usually do need something crazy to happen in order to get me out of my doldrums and vague contentedness.
I am in a panic, I admit, about finances. My money runs out in June, my lease is up in September. We are talking about living together as soon as we can. Though that prospect makes me happy, there is still the feeling of - "oh my god, I have to wrap everything up here, I have to say goodbye to people" It's totally freaking me out.
I am a creature of habit. I am concerned about things like finding a new doctor that I like. Totally random, I know; but I love my doctor. I have been her patient since I was 23. She knows everything about me. I hate the idea of finding a new one.
It's those little things that I am freaking out about. I mean, I've lived in the same apartment for 7 years, with the same landlord for 13. BubblesDeux wants to move out here, maybe she'll sublease my place if I need to move before September.
He's a relationship person, I am a total single girl. It's not a monogamy issue, because I am super down with that. In fact, it's a requirement. I just mean that I am not used to someone being up my butt. I go for days without speaking to people. Like I do not talk to my girlfriends everyday
It's just all happening so fast is all. To be honest, I knew that I was going to find my partner last year. I called it from January 1 of 2010. I told my bestie that 2010 would be a year of completion and I just knew.
After I met him (we spent NYE 2011 weekend together) and talked to her, she was like "in typical fashion - you wait until the last minute"
I run late for everything. Did you all forget?
Will that drive him crazy? Probably. But I warned him from day one. I am just one of those people.
I am going to go for a walk, pick out some plants (like from the store, not from a neighbor's yard can you imagine?), and fill up my flower pots. It was 82 in Chicago yesterday. 82! It's early for that here. I think we have snow or some shit next week. Mother Nature...you silly goose.
Have a glorious day, kittens!
Here's some Sloan for you. The song starts about 2:45 in if you want to fast forward. It's a long video for some reason.
And a live version. I love these guys, even though their last album sucked donkey balls. Their old stuff is magic. Magic, I tell you.
Where's Gojira When You Need Him?
image by Tankor89 |
What's up with Americans changing Gojira to Godzilla anyway? I mean they are both made up names. It makes zero sense to me.
Arty is not a fan of moths. They kind of freak me out a little. First off, anything with more that four appendages (five if you include a tail) wigs me. I'm ain't playing. I mean, crustaceans? Exoskeletons?!! Why do you think every scary space thriller or even on earth scary movie has a monster that pretty much is a giant bug? Because exoskeletons are a fucking weird ass thing.
Secondly, I have super curly hair. You know what happens when a moth decides to fly into it? The get trapped and you are stuck hearing flapping of wings in you ear until you shake it out, though usually you end up inadvertently killing the thing. And least that's how I roll. That flapping...it sounds likes Hannibal Lecter whispering sweet nothings into your ear and is about as pleasant. Granted, a moth is not thinking of snacking on you with a bottle of Chianti, but it's still an uncomfortable sound.
So, I am in the bathroom, minding my own business when in flies a nice sized moth. It's kind of pale yellow and almost pretty. Right behind it is my little hunter. Roche' (row - shay) loves when a flying insect gets in the house. frankly, I do not need a fly swatter. Generally they get in when I leave the back door open, like if I am grilling, or even just hanging out there. I leave it open so Roche' can come out and get some air, but only when I am out there. I once saw him take down 3 flies in like 10 minutes. He looked like a mini-panther. It was awesome.
Anyway, I managed to let this on get out of the bathroom window. The cat it totally bummed. He wanted to catch that thing. I still cannot figure out how it got in though! The bathroom is the brightest room on that side f the place. There are no curtains on the window, though you cannot see in or out, and at night, the porch light is right in front so I rarely need to even turnon th light in there. Except when it's make up time. Come on now.
One night a couple of years ago Roche' was going nuts. Like a madman. Madcat. Whatever. I follow him into the bathroom. I look up at the window and shriek in horror. And don't think for a minute I do not mean actual horror movie shriek.
Mothra is in my house. Seriously, it's wingspan was at least 4 inches.
I do not think I got Mothra out alive. I was too freaked out to care. But in hunting to figure out how the beast got in, I realized that I had left the top of the window open. I had cleaned the windows like two weeks before, maybe even more. When I did, I apparently did not put the window back up to the top. It was kinda hidden bu the curtains, so I didn't notice.
Whatever. Keep your windows closed and cats or pet of choice near. Those moths are coming to get us.
image by Tankor89
Friday, April 8, 2011
Kiss My Grits
I have an ulcer.
No really, I do. It totally kicked into gear yesterday and I thought I was going to die. It is ridiculously painful. Stress is completely running a muck through my body. It's total bullshit. I feel better today as I drank a bottle of Maalox and took some Zantac,
I have a ton on my mind. The job search is frustrating as hell. I am in freak out mode about finances. Did I mention that I owed over $2,000 in taxes? Yep. Awesome. My lease is up in September. My money runs out in June. I am losing it.
And Mercury is in retrograde. For real, Mercury...cut it out.
Regardless if you are into astrology or not, you will notice that things are chaotic or messed up around you at random times of the year. Electronics go haywire, communication is general is fubar - whether technical or actual conversation and things just seem difficult. Everything is a mess. When you notice this, go check it out online. I bet anything that Mercury is in retrograde. Basically it slows down, so appears to be going backwards. Many negative events have historically taken place during those periods. Could be a coincidence. All I know is it messes with my shit. And underlying issues come out of the closet.
You cannot hide from your inner feelings. It seems to make the truth come out.
Stupid Mercury.
Retrograde Info
I know I have been very emotional, very stressed, and freaked out on my boyfriend during our visit. I don't mean I yelled at him or something dumb. I was having some rational fears about moving out there and broke down about it. Again, I am in freak out mode. I have a ton of changes that need to take place.
Baby steps. Today, I chill out, write a bit and sleep off the ulcer pain. Tomorrow is another day.
I had a show last night and we could not get the mics to work, Kyle broke his piano, we bought a mic cord that was bad - we finally decided to do an acoustic show. Well, Kyle was plugged in, but not into a system. it actually turned out pretty well. Someone took pictures - I should hopefully have some up soon.
Did you all love "Alice" as much as I did? Of course I loved it. Sass running wild. Between Flo and Alice I learned a lot about giving lip and being sarcastic. Damn, Alice (well the actress that played her) had awesome delivery. I was not a fan of Vera though. I was never a fan of Chrissy on "Three's Company" either. I am not fond of using being dumb as a comedic device. The exception is Vinnie Barbarino on "Welcome Back Kotter" I was down with him. In general, I hate stupid people so do not find it humorous. You should all know this fact about me. You should also know that I am fully aware of my grammatical errors. If that makes me a bit of a hypocrite - whoopsies.
Anyway, Flo. God love her. Gentlemen, sit back for this one, as I am about to get personal. Not a big deal - just a little warning. I was once a snare late for the period and called my girlfriend up when I finally started and it was brutal. All I said to her was "kiss my grits" and she knew what I meant. Flo. Get it?
It was really funny when it happened. I guess it's not that great of a story.
I need a nap. Go watch some Alice and have a great day! Love to you all.
Monday, April 4, 2011
It's 4am; Do You Know Where Your Cat Is?
I see on Facebook that a few friends and friends of friends are awake with a lovely case on insomnia. What up with that?
I am having a bit of anxiety myself. I am preparing for a new chapter and it is going to be pretty; but requires much change. I am not moving in with my sweetheart tomorrow, but it seems the route we are taking for sure. Given our circumstances the logical move is for me to go to CA. I am not opposed to warm weather and fresh fruits and veggies. In fact, I am super looking forward to that.
I am also looking forward to being with him and to going to school to take a new direction in my career. Sometimes you have to know when to fold 'em. My chosen profession is not a good industry right now and frankly, I am being overlooked because I have been out of the market for so long. It's total bullshit. I mean, I may be being overlooked for other reasons also, but I have been actually told that it's an issue by those that have interviewed me. Thanks for making me feel like a total loser, dude.
I mentioned Holistic Health a post or two back; and although I do absolutely plan on becoming certified, I decided to look into the Medical industry - specifically sonography. Nice run on sentence. There is a need for it, so I should have no trouble finding a job. And I think it will offer me what I need. A well paid job with minimal stress. So I'll have to be on my feet and deal with patients. Whatever, I will probably make their visit a bit better. But at least I can leave work at work. The only thing working my ass off in my career gave me was extra poundage and an ulcer. Spanks!
It is so stressful to get x-rays or ultrasounds done. Well maybe not when you are preggers and not expecting any issues; but when something is not right and you have to walk into that dark room alone...it would be nice to have a comforting person there.
I think it's a good choice for me. And it feels right. And it will only take me 2 years if I go full time. And it will not cost an arm and a leg.
All good things, right? So I do have to likely leave my fair city. I am seriously not trilled about that but that is not what has got me in a tizzy.
It's my little lamb.
I mean, seriously...look at this little butter bean. He's 7lbs 10 oz. and declawed. He is so precious, I can't stand it. He is super well behaved, though he does have a penchant for eating ribbons and does unintentionally play with the key pad when he is snuggling with me. He is so good about having to take his meds (ear swipe only luckily) and really doesn't put up much of a fight for anything. He is super fun to play with too. he follows me around like a puppy and answers me ("Where's Roche'?" - I have to do that because I have a dark rug and with no lights on I could step on him. It's like playing Marco Polo) or comes to me when I call him. For real.
This little guy will not jump on any furniture, only the bed, couch, and the one living room chair. No counters, no dressers not tables. If he throws a toy and it lands on a table, he waits for me to find it and give it to him so he can continue playing.
I got Roche' about 6 years ago from a former boss. He had been terrorized by the other cat. She would not let him do anything, that bitch. My boss was moving and decided that he only wanted one cat. He had the female first so did not want to give her up. They were all staying at the hotel, so I decided to check him out. I had never had a pet before. Frankly, I have never been an animal person.
In fact, I had been known to say "Get that thing away from me before I make a purse out of it"
Not kidding.
Anyway, I walk into the room and I see this cat that I immediately want to punch it. I even made the "I am disgusted" face. I hated it. I was like "Is that him?" " No, he's probably hiding."
I look behind the chair and I see the sweetest creature I ever laid my eyes on. He runs out to go hide under the bed, But before he does, he head butts my hand. I look at him under the bed and ask "Do you want to come home with me?" He looks at me and mews, comes forwards and nuzzles my hand.
Done and done.
I go that night and buy a crap load to stuff: bed, litter box, toys - the works.
The night I take him home, my boss is all "I hate to let him go" I tell him that if I take him he absolutely cannot have him back. He tells me that he will likely hide for a week or two. I probably will not get to see him for a bit.
I take a cab home and he presses up at close to me as possible through the kennel. His fir is like nothing I expect from a cat. He actually feels like the softest bunny you can imagine.
I take him home, place him in front of the litter box; which he of course goes into to hide...for 10 minutes. He then comes out into the room that I am sitting in, mews, and lies on his back. Seriously, belly up.
I am sure if he could speak he would have said "Ahhhh. I am home." That night he actually slept on me, which he still often does, or snuggles with me. I usually wake up with him sleeping on my hip ( I sleep on my side).
I know he is not my baby, but I am responsible for him. And I love him so much. He is really my cat. If I were a character in The Golden Compass, he'd be my deamon; if in Wicked, my familiar. I basically feel that I would likely not get another cat when the time comes that age takes him. I just do not think I would want another. He is so perfect for me, why would I have anything less?
My boyfriend has two cats. They are super cute, though a bit less disciplined than Roche'. I really do love them and love me. They actually listen to me a bit. The big guy often comes when I call him. Mac tells me that this is quite unusual. They are also nice cats, not mean spirited at all.
They pretty much have free reign. Mac does not like to reprimand them for walking on living and bedroom tables. The trouble with that is that they don't really get it that they should not walk on the kitchen counter or table or kitchen chairs. This grosses me out to no end. They don't do it in front of us, but they do do it. I have caught the female on the table a few times.
We both spoil our pets in different ways. Roche' has four beds and a sizable basket of toys. These little guys get fed at 5am every morning and get to walk on almost everything. He does disciple them as he deems necessary though. Everyone has their things they do for their pets.
They also have claws. Things do not looked torn up around here, but it kinda bothers me out that I cannot really have any nice linens or anything.
Here is the real thing. I am terrified that they will abuse Roche'. Seriously, the one cat could kill him. He is over double his size/weight and a robo beast. The smaller one could as well, as she has claws. They are sweet enough, but I am having a super OCD anxiety attack with the image of coming home and finding my little guy shredded to death. I seriously cannot fall asleep because of it.
What would I do? If I move out here and those cats are mean to my little guy, I do not know what I will do. Get my own place? I am certainly not getting rid of him. And I am certainly not going to tolerate him being unhappy or scared.
He will never get to lie in the living room belly up again. It breaks my heart a little that he will not have that security.
To a non-pet person, this may all seem ridiculous. But I rescued that cat from a life of hiding under couches and beds, of being to scared to get some food. He's a for real pussy cat.
But don't think that stops him from jumping up to go see what that noise was when something falls in the middle of the night or run to the door when he senses a weird outside in the hallway. He is my cat after all, he may be little, but he's gonna try to protect me. He's a protective little critter. Like he can even do anything with his mini paws and no front claws.
You gotta love that spirit, but when it comes down to it, he would probably get his ass kicked.
Okay, that Xanax is kicking in. Nighty-night, my lovelies.
Ha ha! The big fella just ran down the stairs, calling to me and is laying behind my head on the couch arm. For him, that is some major affection.
Maybe he will be a good boy.
I am having a bit of anxiety myself. I am preparing for a new chapter and it is going to be pretty; but requires much change. I am not moving in with my sweetheart tomorrow, but it seems the route we are taking for sure. Given our circumstances the logical move is for me to go to CA. I am not opposed to warm weather and fresh fruits and veggies. In fact, I am super looking forward to that.
I am also looking forward to being with him and to going to school to take a new direction in my career. Sometimes you have to know when to fold 'em. My chosen profession is not a good industry right now and frankly, I am being overlooked because I have been out of the market for so long. It's total bullshit. I mean, I may be being overlooked for other reasons also, but I have been actually told that it's an issue by those that have interviewed me. Thanks for making me feel like a total loser, dude.
I mentioned Holistic Health a post or two back; and although I do absolutely plan on becoming certified, I decided to look into the Medical industry - specifically sonography. Nice run on sentence. There is a need for it, so I should have no trouble finding a job. And I think it will offer me what I need. A well paid job with minimal stress. So I'll have to be on my feet and deal with patients. Whatever, I will probably make their visit a bit better. But at least I can leave work at work. The only thing working my ass off in my career gave me was extra poundage and an ulcer. Spanks!
It is so stressful to get x-rays or ultrasounds done. Well maybe not when you are preggers and not expecting any issues; but when something is not right and you have to walk into that dark room alone...it would be nice to have a comforting person there.
I think it's a good choice for me. And it feels right. And it will only take me 2 years if I go full time. And it will not cost an arm and a leg.
All good things, right? So I do have to likely leave my fair city. I am seriously not trilled about that but that is not what has got me in a tizzy.
It's my little lamb.
I mean, seriously...look at this little butter bean. He's 7lbs 10 oz. and declawed. He is so precious, I can't stand it. He is super well behaved, though he does have a penchant for eating ribbons and does unintentionally play with the key pad when he is snuggling with me. He is so good about having to take his meds (ear swipe only luckily) and really doesn't put up much of a fight for anything. He is super fun to play with too. he follows me around like a puppy and answers me ("Where's Roche'?" - I have to do that because I have a dark rug and with no lights on I could step on him. It's like playing Marco Polo) or comes to me when I call him. For real.
This little guy will not jump on any furniture, only the bed, couch, and the one living room chair. No counters, no dressers not tables. If he throws a toy and it lands on a table, he waits for me to find it and give it to him so he can continue playing.
I got Roche' about 6 years ago from a former boss. He had been terrorized by the other cat. She would not let him do anything, that bitch. My boss was moving and decided that he only wanted one cat. He had the female first so did not want to give her up. They were all staying at the hotel, so I decided to check him out. I had never had a pet before. Frankly, I have never been an animal person.
In fact, I had been known to say "Get that thing away from me before I make a purse out of it"
Not kidding.
Anyway, I walk into the room and I see this cat that I immediately want to punch it. I even made the "I am disgusted" face. I hated it. I was like "Is that him?" " No, he's probably hiding."
I look behind the chair and I see the sweetest creature I ever laid my eyes on. He runs out to go hide under the bed, But before he does, he head butts my hand. I look at him under the bed and ask "Do you want to come home with me?" He looks at me and mews, comes forwards and nuzzles my hand.
Done and done.
I go that night and buy a crap load to stuff: bed, litter box, toys - the works.
The night I take him home, my boss is all "I hate to let him go" I tell him that if I take him he absolutely cannot have him back. He tells me that he will likely hide for a week or two. I probably will not get to see him for a bit.
I take a cab home and he presses up at close to me as possible through the kennel. His fir is like nothing I expect from a cat. He actually feels like the softest bunny you can imagine.
I take him home, place him in front of the litter box; which he of course goes into to hide...for 10 minutes. He then comes out into the room that I am sitting in, mews, and lies on his back. Seriously, belly up.
I am sure if he could speak he would have said "Ahhhh. I am home." That night he actually slept on me, which he still often does, or snuggles with me. I usually wake up with him sleeping on my hip ( I sleep on my side).
I know he is not my baby, but I am responsible for him. And I love him so much. He is really my cat. If I were a character in The Golden Compass, he'd be my deamon; if in Wicked, my familiar. I basically feel that I would likely not get another cat when the time comes that age takes him. I just do not think I would want another. He is so perfect for me, why would I have anything less?
My boyfriend has two cats. They are super cute, though a bit less disciplined than Roche'. I really do love them and love me. They actually listen to me a bit. The big guy often comes when I call him. Mac tells me that this is quite unusual. They are also nice cats, not mean spirited at all.
They pretty much have free reign. Mac does not like to reprimand them for walking on living and bedroom tables. The trouble with that is that they don't really get it that they should not walk on the kitchen counter or table or kitchen chairs. This grosses me out to no end. They don't do it in front of us, but they do do it. I have caught the female on the table a few times.
We both spoil our pets in different ways. Roche' has four beds and a sizable basket of toys. These little guys get fed at 5am every morning and get to walk on almost everything. He does disciple them as he deems necessary though. Everyone has their things they do for their pets.
They also have claws. Things do not looked torn up around here, but it kinda bothers me out that I cannot really have any nice linens or anything.
Here is the real thing. I am terrified that they will abuse Roche'. Seriously, the one cat could kill him. He is over double his size/weight and a robo beast. The smaller one could as well, as she has claws. They are sweet enough, but I am having a super OCD anxiety attack with the image of coming home and finding my little guy shredded to death. I seriously cannot fall asleep because of it.
What would I do? If I move out here and those cats are mean to my little guy, I do not know what I will do. Get my own place? I am certainly not getting rid of him. And I am certainly not going to tolerate him being unhappy or scared.
He will never get to lie in the living room belly up again. It breaks my heart a little that he will not have that security.
To a non-pet person, this may all seem ridiculous. But I rescued that cat from a life of hiding under couches and beds, of being to scared to get some food. He's a for real pussy cat.
But don't think that stops him from jumping up to go see what that noise was when something falls in the middle of the night or run to the door when he senses a weird outside in the hallway. He is my cat after all, he may be little, but he's gonna try to protect me. He's a protective little critter. Like he can even do anything with his mini paws and no front claws.
You gotta love that spirit, but when it comes down to it, he would probably get his ass kicked.
Okay, that Xanax is kicking in. Nighty-night, my lovelies.
Ha ha! The big fella just ran down the stairs, calling to me and is laying behind my head on the couch arm. For him, that is some major affection.
Maybe he will be a good boy.
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