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- Artemis J
- I am brutally honest, super opinionated, and swear like a sailor. You have been warned. You'll either love me or hate me. I'm cool either way. All posts and personal photographs herein are © Copyright 2011 ArtemisJ. All rights reserved.
Friday, April 15, 2011
They Try to Copy My Swagger
Look at Tina Fey's kid. That is one confident little girl. And possibly the coolest kid ever. Though Kinston is pretty awesome. Gavin Rosdale & Gwen Stephani's boy.
I am a super crabby apple cake. Lord have mercy. PMS is crushing my soul. Though really, it's not. I find that it's just that I am more sensitive, so things that always bother me are not being swept under the rug. I tend to want to me more confrontational. I mean, people get on my nerves...often.
Part of it is that I analyze everything. I am talking everything. So when someone interrupts when I am speaking, that equals "I do not care what you have to say, I am more important than you"
You can say that they are not thinking that, but really....deep down they are. And it's fucking annoying. One of my girlfriends does it to me all the time. Like I start a sentence and she completely takes over. Honestly, all I can do is trow my hands in the air in exasperation. I actually did that while I was walking down the street talking to my sweety (sorry honey). I was like "oh my god, let me finish my thought". I actually just stopped in the middle of the sidewalk.
Why do people do this? And why the fuck do they do it to me? I must be too polite about it. It kind of makes me want to cry because it frustrates me so damn much. I apparently need to be more vocal about it. It's an issue. I am quite aware of it.
I want to get a word in. Why do I have to be silent? If you don't want to listen, let's not talk - how about that?
Last night I was talking to my man and my bestie interrupted. I told him I was on the phone (on FB - he sent a message that he was going to call me). He decided to call anyway and proceeds to speak loudly on the machine (yes, I have a land line also) and though he was being funny I thought maybe something was up. So I answer it and he starts talking about nothing important and doesn't shut up. I was like "I am on the phone - what's up?"
After a few minutes, an exasperated Mac is like - "Call me back." I do not blame him for being annoyed. He should have been the priority. And he was in my heart. My friend was just being obnoxious. It was annoying. I was so frazzled.
So I am on the phone with my friend for a bit and the whole time I am completely irritated, concerned that Mac is upset, and annoyed because I have never interrupted my friend when he was talking to his boyfriend. I don't call him when he is about to have dinner with him and then say - "you see him all the time; talk to me." Frankly, he just would not have answered the phone, which is what I should have done. I noticed this pattern with us in the last year. I am always available, he is only available when it's convenient. It's bullshit.
Yet he did run out and get me meds when my ulcer freaked out on me last week. Friendships have their struggles. I am sure he is dealing with the fact that I am moving. We've actually had nothing but time to spend together while I have been out of work. I think he is realizing that he should have taken advantage of our schedules. He works odd shifts, so it's pretty easy for us to get together.
Did I quote the Black Eyed Peas as my title? Forgive me. But I had to. Look at the mini-Fey. She has so much swagger!
Tonight is a fun filled evening with my girl and My Life With the Thrill Kill Cult and Front 242. Bring on the industrial.
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It's okay, sweetheart. I know I interrupt sometimes, and to read here that I've frustrated you to such a degree, makes me feel ashamed. I don't feel great when people do it to me, so I should consider that when I feel myself doing it, if I can remember before it's too late. :)
ReplyDeleteI agree that interruptions represent value judgements about the conversation, by the interrupter. I don't think it's as bad as you suggest, but at the very least, the person cutting in believes what they have to say at that moment is more important than what the other person is trying to say. I heard (or read) somewhere that the best way to stop yourself from interrupting, is to concentrate on what the person is saying, rather than thinking of what you will say next. Wise words.
With regard to the phone interruption last night, you were not at fault. It was a difficult situation, and you did the best you could while trying to spare feelings. I know I'm your priority, as you are mine.
I thoroughly agree about interruptions. It's disrespectful (as is tardiness). When it happens on a regular basis, you need to say it out loud to the offender, if they mean enough to you (e.g. your bestie). You should, however, not have answered the phone. Mac being understanding is not really a good excuse. It was your choice on that one.
ReplyDeleteGee, guess I'm feeling a little bitchy myself... Sorry about that. Nights in Manhattan for rehearsals, traveling in traffic and staying up even later must be taking their toll. Loving it, though.
Be well my friend.
First, I would love to be Tina Fey's kid. Or just her friend. I love her. She is one of the coolest women out there.
ReplyDeleteAs for interruptions, everyone knows my blackberry is surgically attached, but I am actually good about knowing when to put it away. No, really, I am.
Besides, nothing I have to say is all that important anyway. :)